Topoi is plural for 'Topos' from Greek, meaning 'Place' or 'Locus'; the word also has a mathematical meaning, which lends itself nicely to the spirit of the game.
A game by Brian Little.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Topoi! A game of dynamic strategy and subtle tactics. Each player has nine smaller pieces, called Lithos, or Stones, and one Onko, or Wodge. The objective is to create a closed loop, or enclosure, of either color stone, around your opponents wodge. Games are quick and fun. Wodges are big and heavy, and can only move one node as a time. Lithos can move as far or short a distance as they please, and can move together when they are connected, in two different ways. They can 'slide' along any straight line, maintaining their original formation, or, a single stone may 'leap' up to eight connected pieces of the same color. Wodges cannot connect to lithos, or be lept over, but they can be included in a game ending loop/enclosure. Please see the working tutorial for the beta.
Many thanks and much gratitude to:
Sheila Tilert - For loving me and offering me limitless patience and encouragement.
Ravi Hausner - For being welcoming, wary, and for humoring me endlessly.
Russ Allnutt - For being the best kind of friend anyone could ask for.
Vishnu Dorbala - For sharing my excitement, and being the first self-declared enthusiast.
Noah Chrein - For teaching me, leaming from me, and helping me to see things differently.
Liam Fowl - For being a master of generalization.
Jerin Philip - For being relentlessly direct.
Joe Peckham - For always being ready to try something new.
The Wheaton High School Chess Club '23-24 - For inspiring me, and being my toughest critics.
As well as: Stephen Sorokanich, Paul Shackel, Barbara Little, Travis Williams, Jermain McDermott, Ankit Etha, Evan Flickinger, Estelle Keener, Eliana Murrell, Steven Little, Spiros Lentas, Ishfaaq Imtiyas,Jesse Millzman, and Luis Suarez.